Are You a Person of Integrity?

change messages Oct 03, 2010

Question of the day:Are you a person of integrity?

Your first reaction may be "Of course. I follow through with my commitments at work and I do what I say I'm going to do."

I'm going to ask you to check that for just a minute: Doing what you say you're going to do....

"I'm going to start eating better on Monday".

"I'm going to get up early and exercise tomorrow."

"I'm going to make sure I don't drink too much tonight."

How many times have you said these things to yourself and not done them?

I think we often overlook our integrity as it relates to ourselves. You make a commitment to yourself to do something positive for your health and don't keep it. What does that say about you? Why are you not as important as anyone else you make promises to? What does that say about how much you value yourself?

The next time you decide to make a personal change I want you stop and think about what you're really doing:  You're making a commitment TO yourself, FOR yourself.  You keep your commitments.  You're a person of your word.

Especially when it comes to something so important.

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Instead of reaching for that candy bar or cup of coffee, here are 10 QUICK & EASY WAYS you can increase your energy and resilience by changing your chemistry and physiology.


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