Ā Your go-to resource onĀ how to build resilience - emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually

Control Your Environment with Optimal Defaults caveman control optimal defaults plate it out Aug 11, 2014

Many of us don't recognize that our environments unconsciously impact our rate of success or failure in making lasting change. Sneaky Pete is highly influenced by his external environment, and advanced brain doesn’t recognize that fact.

Your advanced brain says you simply have to stop...

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Starbucks is Messing With Your Brainā€¦And Theyā€™re Not the Only One control Aug 07, 2014

For years I've been a huge fan of Brian Wansink's work on the psychology of why many of us overeat without knowing it. For instance, when we eat out of larger bowls or off larger plates, we eat more food. When we eat out of smaller bowls or smaller plates, we eat less. ALL...

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On the Phone = On Your Feetā€¦Resiliency Challenge Week 2 control messages Jan 14, 2014

Here is your challenge for this week:  any time you're talking on the phone, it's your cue to stand up.  Going from sitting to standing is a quick and easy way to improve your energy, focus and performance....not to mention it burns 33% more calories.

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Starbucks is Messing With Your Brain...And They're Not the Only One control messages Mar 28, 2013

For years I've been a huge fan of Brian Wansink's work on the psychology of why many of us overeat without knowing it. For instance, when we eat out of larger bowls or off larger plates, we eat more food. When we eat out of smaller bowls or smaller plates, we eat less. ALL WITHOUT BEING CONSCIOUS...

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How to Make Change a No-Brainer control optimal defaults plate it out Oct 29, 2012

In my previous post I explained how we all still have caveman brains – too much change is perceived as stress, which kicks in our fight or flight response, taking us into protection mode.  Part of this protection mode means seeking the comfort and security of our familiar habits and...

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