Your go-to resource on how to build resilience - emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually

Guided Progressive Muscle Relaxation: Unwind & De-Stress in 2 Minutes energy resiliency self care stress Aug 07, 2023

Join me for this 2-minute guided escape from the hustle and bustle! By strategically engaging all your senses, you'll strengthen your ability to get centered and focused despite the chaos and swirl of your day. Are you ready for some inner serenity?


Subscribe for more tips to boost your...

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Guided 5 Senses Grounding: Get Centered & Calm in Just 2 Minutes grounding mindfulness resiliency self care stress Aug 04, 2023

Join me for this 2-minute guided escape from the hustle and bustle! By strategically engaging all your senses, you'll strengthen your ability to get centered and focused despite the chaos and swirl of your day. Are you ready for some inner serenity?


Subscribe for more tips to boost your...

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Guided Micro Breaths for Instant Calm: Your 3 Breath Stress-Buster micro strategies resiliency self care stress Jul 31, 2023

Take a breather with me as I guide you through a simple - yet effective - science-backed technique that is shown to reduce stress & anxiety as well as promote calm. In just 3 breaths you can reset your stress response and feel rejuvenated. It's perfect for your busy lifestyle.



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Who is the most important person in your life? boundaries burnout energy self care Feb 27, 2023

Biologically, you have a finite amount of resources to operate with each day, so taking care of yourself isn’t a matter of being selfish. It's actually the opposite.

Watch this video and then ask yourself, What stories are you telling yourself about taking care of you and your needs?


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How to Create More Time energy purpose self care stress Nov 15, 2022

While it feels like there’s never enough time to do the things we want or need, many of us are actually going about this all wrong.

Here’s what science has to say about a better solution and how you can start using it right away.


Grab my cheatsheet, "How To Say No" and get on...

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