Your go-to resource on how to build resilience - emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually

How Glycemic Index Affects Resiliency plate it out Aug 21, 2014


The glycemic index is an invaluable tool in making snack and meal choices. Choosing foods that are lower glycemic can help to:

  • stabilize blood glucose levels
  • minimize stress on the body
  • reduce body fat
  • fuel the brain for optimal performance
  • balance energy
  • improve...
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Swap It, Don’t Stop It control Aug 11, 2014

When trying to make healthy changes to our diets we may think we have to completely cut out many of the foods we enjoy. Unfortunately, cutting out the things we love often means we don’t keep the changes for very long because it makes Sneaky Pete totally freak out!

Instead of...

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Control Your Environment with Optimal Defaults caveman control optimal defaults plate it out Aug 11, 2014

Many of us don't recognize that our environments unconsciously impact our rate of success or failure in making lasting change. Sneaky Pete is highly influenced by his external environment, and advanced brain doesn’t recognize that fact.

Your advanced brain says you simply have to stop...

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The Secret to Making Change? Your Inner Caveman change Aug 10, 2014

Why do we vow at 8:30 a.m. not to eat any more sweets, yet at 3:30 p.m. we’ve got our hands in a co-worker’s candy stash?

Why do we sign up for a gym membership we rarely use?

Why do we say we’re going to remain calm and rational during an intense meeting, but twenty minutes...

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Stress Hormones – the Good, the Bad & the Ugly chemistry Aug 09, 2014

When we're exposed to a stressful event, whether it's real or imagined, physical or psychological, the body releases waves of stress hormones such as adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol. They are a veritable stress tsunami, and they signal rapid changes to the entire body.

They are all ...

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