Ā Your go-to resource onĀ how to build resilience - emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually

3 Easy Ways to Rid Yourself of Stress (And Get Fit in the Process) play it out Jan 25, 2016

By Ashley Lemke

Stress is with us when we wake up, accompanies us into the office, and rides us piggyback when we’re at home trying to unwind. If we go extended periods of time without playing out our stress, it takes a major toll on our bodies, brains and overall health, interfering with...

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The Chemistry of Great Leadership chemistry Oct 05, 2015

Your leadership depends not only on the skills you've developed, but how your personal chemistry allows you to access them.

During times of stress or challenge, the portion of your brain relating to executive function goes offline, and you're left using the more primitive part. You become...

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4 Ways Skipping Breakfast is Stressing You Out plate it out Sep 14, 2015

  Thank you to my intern, Ashley for creating this piece!

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My TEDx Talk on Resiliency caveman chemistry play it out May 26, 2015

I was recently invited to give a TEDx talk on resiliency and it is now available online. It was an incredible experience put on by a talented group at Gustavus Adolphus College and I'm honored to have been a part of it!

I hope you enjoy and please help spread the word by sharing the video with...

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Plate It Out: The Key to No-Stress Meals plate it out May 11, 2015

What and how you eat can increase your stress and stress can increase what and how you eat. In order to minimize this stress, it’s important to “Plate It Out” – a strategy for meals that improves your resiliency. Plate It Out and eating resiliently affect not only your...

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