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Swap It, Don't Stop It control messages plate it out Oct 10, 2011

Before we get to this week's post...are you following @PowerHousePC on Twitter for daily tweets on resiliency, performance, exercise and nutrition?  Are you a fan of PowerHouse Performance Coaching on Facebook?  Both are a great way to keep performance and health reminders top of mind.

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Healthier Grub for People on the Go messages plate it out Oct 03, 2011

Hey you guys....

I'm in airports at least every other week and make it a priority to try and eat as healthy as I possibly can. I spotted these last week and almost cried tears of joy.

A complete (healthier than not) meal in a small box that doesn't need to be refrigerated. This is a game changer...

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Running in Circles to Move Forward change messages Sep 27, 2011

We may have clear goals of what we want in life – our career path, health, personal relationships – but often times barriers pop up that turn into deal breakers and end up derailing our mission.

As I was landing in Detroit today I was looking out the airplane window at large parking...

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Fat Cells Never Take A Vacation messages play it out Sep 13, 2011

New post coming soon, but a couple of quick workout shots from vacation.  Yes, I typically still workout on vacation, but to a lesser degree.

This is me doing Hit the Deck on our patio in Kenya.  I'm dying.  And blaming it on elevation.



And here you can see some...

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