Ā Your go-to resource onĀ how to build resilience - emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually

What's your word? confidence confidence newslettermak resiliency newsletter Jan 01, 2019

Every year I come up with a phrase, word or mantra that defines how I want to be and feel in the upcoming year.  Sometimes it comes to me quickly and clearly, while other times it takes several weeks of reflection.

After going through multiple weeks of trying to get a renewed sense of...

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I Know Who's Stealing Your Positivity confidence confidence newslettermak resiliency newsletter Oct 18, 2017

Thinking positively is hard. Shit.  See what I mean?  That’s a negative statement about something positive. As someone who is achievement oriented with a high need for productivity, I have a tendency to focus a ridiculous amount of energy on the next goal that hasn’t...

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Ladies, Hard Work Will Not Get You To the Top. Three ways to stop working harder and start working smarter. confidence confidence newsletter Aug 30, 2017

I recently spoke at a women’s leadership conference and instead of having to get in, out and on to my next event, I had time to participate as a learner. The loudest message I repeatedly heard from several successful females in the business world was this: hard work will NOT get you to the...

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