Your go-to resource on how to build resilience - emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually

Why Your Workout Should Be More Like a Drinking Game messages play it out Sep 16, 2012

I’ve been turning my workouts into a drinking game.

I had to.

You know how some people (who shall remain nameless) used to play drinking games in college that had all sorts of crazy rules to make them drink?  There was Three Man, which for the life of me I cannot remember the rules...

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Which Makes More of an Impact in Losing Weight: Diet or Exercise? messages plate it out play it out Sep 06, 2012

I’ve actually got four answers to this question:

  1. Initially it’s diet, but long term it’s a combination of both
  2. Exercise alone typically does not make much impact in weight loss
  3. However, exercise helps you keep the weight off long term
  4. There are other benefits to exercise you...
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8 WAYS TO PHYSICALLY ENERGIZE ANY MEETING change messages Aug 14, 2012

Tired of boring, soul sucking meetings?  Get more energy, focus and productivity out of your meetings by following these eight simple strategies.

1.  Set an Expiration Date. Make it a rule that meetings don’t go longer than 2 hours without taking a break.  Often times...

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NBC KARE 11 Segment – Boot Camp Circuit Workout messages play it out Jul 06, 2012

Today's segment is a simple boot camp circuit workout you can do at home with just a few pieces of equipment.  For many parents summertime means a new and different schedule getting kids to various camps or having them around the house, which may disrupt the usual exercise routine....

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We’re More Alike Than You Know, Yet Not messages Jun 19, 2012

Before you think I’m about to make a political statement on my blog, hold tight for a second, because I’m not.  I’m about to make a human statement about something that affects my health, my wellness, my resiliency and my performance.

Do you feel like you know me as a...

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