Ā Your go-to resource onĀ how to build resilience - emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually

Who Are You Accountable To? messages Jun 17, 2009

Are you thinking something like this?

  1. My boss
  2. My bosses' boss
  3. 'The Man'
  4. My significant other
  5. My children
  6. The IRS
  7. Anyone and everyone else that wants a piece of me...

If this was your line of thinking, there is someone missing who is critically important to your success:  YOU.

Many of...

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Does the Wagon Even Exist? messages Jun 15, 2009

To be honest, last week sort of sucked from an exercise perspective.  From a food perspective it wasn't that great either.  I had a hole in my belly that I could not fill.  It was the perfect 1-2-punch to make someone feel like crap about the whole "thing" of eating right and...

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No animals died to feed me yesterday messages Jun 09, 2009

I know.  I'm even more surprised than you are, though I can't really take full credit.  At the last minute a cow or pig was saved by a power outage.  (You can read my other posts on my love of meat here, here and here.)

Breakfast:  the usual.  Toasted organic hemp bread,...

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Red meat gets another kick in the loin messages Jun 07, 2009

If you've been following my blog for a while, you know I've been struggling trying to come to terms with my love of red meat and the negative affects it can have on health and the environment.

I'm doing just okay on my goal of having one evening meal each week contain no animal flesh.  It's...

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A preemptive apologyā€¦ messages May 29, 2009

...to everyone on the Greenway.  This happens multiple times every summer:  I'm cycling along and someone else is not paying attention to what's going on and they pull out in front of me/swerve into my lane/are approaching in my lane in a pack of people/enter onto the path without...

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