Ā Your go-to resource onĀ how to build resilience - emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually

The Universe and BBQ Sauce messages May 27, 2009

I am a big believer in paying attention to the universe (as well as working my arse off).Crazy things happen when you pay heed.

Tuesday night we were getting ready to grill chicken and I had been jonesing for teriyaki for days.  Couldn't WAIT for teriyaki.  I opened the refrigerator to...

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In Defense of Food messages May 21, 2009

We are the only species that needs professional help determining what to eat.  Is fat bad?  Should I be taking omega-3 oil supplements?  Are carbs bad?  Should I use butter or margarine?  Is breast milk better than formula?  Good grief!  We are a culture...

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Things moving in opposition to meā€¦ messages May 15, 2009

...is really the only thing these three tidbits have in common.  These experiences all happened while exercising, and involved people going in the opposite direction of me.

The first two happened while on a training ride on my bike today:

  1. 1.  Santa rollerblades.  I'm not kidding...
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Three Sage Pieces of Advice messages May 13, 2009

I was having a lunch meeting the other week with someone in the wellness space and they asked me: "If you had to give just 3 recommendations for people, what would they be?"  I thought this was a great question and here was my answer:

1.  MOVE MORE.  Too much time is...

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KARE 11 Links messages May 06, 2009

Here are some resources and links from today's fitness segment on

KARE 11's Showcase Minnesota:


Jawaahir Dance Company & The Cassandra School Three locations in the Twin Cities - Minneapolis, St. Paul and Bloomington

Sahar School of Middle Eastern Dance Classes are...

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