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Buffet Strategies. (Food, not the Dude) messages Oct 23, 2009

I do a lot of performance coaching around nutrition and I like to help my clients figure out ways to implement ideal strategies in the real world - while traveling, at client dinners, in restaurants, etc.  When it comes to having to choose a meal from a buffet I always coach people to:

  • Take...
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54: Percentage of women who would rather be hit by a truck than be fat. messages Oct 17, 2009

 PowerHouse Performance Coaching is proud to be a partner in the second annual Fat Talk Free Week this week (October 19th-23rd), a nation-wide body image education and eating disorders prevention program.  This campaign is designed to draw attention to the damaging impact of the...

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NYC Media Tour, Day Two messages Oct 12, 2009

Yesterday started with an early morning appearance on PIX Morning News' Wakeup Workout segment - take a peek! (thanks Jackie and Mark for being such great background workout peeps).  Then it was off to desk side interviews with Real Simple, American Baby and Family Circle.  One more...

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The “Fat Burning Zone”…Does It Really Exist? messages Oct 05, 2009

In short, no.  And what really matters most is how much energy (or calories) you burn.

Lots of cardiovascular machines have heart rate charts on them or programs labeled "Fat Burning Zone".  I've always wanted to tear them off in a rage, because they end up making most people not...

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Bicep/Tricep Exercises from NBC KARE 11 Episode messages Oct 01, 2009

What's so special about January 1st?  Not much.  Yes, it's the start of a new calendar year and for many people the start of new behaviors or resolutions.  But what about the other 364 days of the year?  Why shouldn't they be just as special?  Why shouldn't each one of...

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